Monday, September 1, 2008

Exceeded expectations and Lamentations

I logged in to check on the blog on this quite quiet Labor Day after a weekend away from the machine. Quite surprising the discovery that my dear friend who I asked to please make me a spiffy banner for my boring old blog totally re-styled the page. Little "e" you are most talented, and I am blown away. Now I look like I've gone pro... even as my blog is infant and promises to be completely inane.

Even more surprising, the abrupt vacation of Art Vandalay... go to his blog and tell him popular opinion is - that he must stay, or at the very least, just pop in now and again. A reader for far longer than a writer, this blogger will miss his commentary.

Another item of note, congratulations to the all powerful Ish on your newfound fame - or infamy - with the Palin Vogue Cover hitting viral status. If I knew anyone in Italy, I would definitely score a copy of that paper for your brag book.

Also congrats to hot Sarah... apparently she is due to add Grandma to her list of titles. I don't really have an opinion on that one way or another, but at least Alaska's teens are being represented accurately... or not?


kodiakgriff said...

What a crazy past few days. I will miss Art. His announcement had far more impact on me than any of the political shenanigans transpired lately.
As for those; well everything with a grain of salt. Let the spinners spin and the mudslingers dig. Read, ask questions, and do not settle for half-ass answers.
Me? I will be in mourning for the loss of a blog worth reading.

Fireweed said...

I will miss Ol' Artie, he was one of the people who inspired me to start blogging and sharing my random thoughts with he had a beautiful smile...