Monday, September 15, 2008

A blog about nothing.

First, I really don't get it. I appreciate all that is Seinfeld, and am surprised at how well the Gatester is doing with his acting and dancing skills, but, huh? I do have to admit that this one makes slighter more sense than a computer that is chewy like cake. Would this be classified as Anti-advertising, or do you think they put a bunch of subliminal messages within the frames that brainwashes you with "leave the Apple alone... Appple is bad... Vista is gooood."? Oooh, I should try playing it in reverse.


B. I have new phrases I want the world to retire, along with doing anything "outside of the box", and "pushing the envelope." "Breaking the Glass Ceiling" or "Shattered the Glass Ceiling" or "Busted the glass ceiling to smithereens" all derivatives of this Willy Wonka reference, just needs to go away. Either that or is there a method of programming a v-chip to bleep user selective language? Now that would be useful. I would never have to hear anything about Britney Spears ever again, because that would be next on my list. I don't need to hear about broccoli spears, or Aries Spears, or Roman shields and spears, ever again, so I think I could live without it.


And lastly: Everybody wants Sarah Palin's glasses.

Oh yeah, I forgot, Mr. Ish is now published in Trend Hunter Magazine. #2 pic, not bad.


Ishmael said...

I am so glad I put on that cover, because only my peeps like you give me credit.

devilsclub said...

Hey, how did you know I was made of marshmallow?