Thursday, June 18, 2009

facespacebook tweeting and empty caloric value prayers

I was hovering over S.O.'s shoulder and their interesting dissection of classmates from every clique and posse in KHS. My friends list isn't quite as diverse, a couple of college buddies, a couple of family members, couple of work buddies, most just like me, occasional lurkers, but not really 'in-to-it' per se. I enjoy seeing the occasional status update, when someone is doing something especially adventurous, or remotely entertaining, but wow. . . . S.O.'s peeps are, are... hmm, remarkably, I don't even have a word for it.

The one that tipped the cow posts multiple status updates all asking for people to pray for her for one thing or another. I'm all for praying for people if they are sick, dying, needing a miracle... but it seems trite to pray for someone that they make it out of StarBucks with their triple non-fat latte moccacina. If there truly is someone listening, why would anyone want to waste a wishful thought on making it through a soccer game and a ballet recital all in one night? Sure, pray they make it safely, but don't pray for the strength to sit through the events. Although in hindsight, maybe neither were particularly talented, which I guess qualifies as prayer-worthy if it was torturous, but somehow I find that unlikely.

Promoting Nutrisweet prayers gives me all the more reason to avoid religion. I'll stick with my Magic 8 Ball, Birthday Candle, and Shooting-Star wishes. Save the prayer lines for the protesters in Iran, the flight crew whose pilot died in the air, the will to make the best decisions we can with the information we have...

On other absurd news. Did you see PETA is getting all riled up about Obama killing a fly? No chopsticks involved, but it was a pretty good move.

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