Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Well, that was freakin' weird.

I was driving downtown, turning left onto Marine Way, and all of the sudden the light stopped blinking. It just held steady! I paused, and like a confused pup thinking "wtf," quizzically cocked my head to the side. And then, even stranger... the red light flicked off, and this green thing appeared with a left arrow underneath it.

I'm totally trippin'. Talk me down man... talk me down.


Anonymous said...

Breathe deeply.....in, out, in, out.....don't worry, with any luck it'll start blinking againa and take another 20 years to fix it....in...out.........innnnn........ouuuuuuuuuuuut

Ishmael said...

I was wondering if they'd ever turn it on. Otherwise it was just like the old one - red one way, blinking yellow the other.

Art Vandelay said...

Don't worry, I hear KPD is just giving warnings if you blow thru the light until September 1st....

Just kidding...