Monday, April 20, 2009

We're the ones that made you.

Well, I can't say that rap as a genre makes it to the top of my internal playlist. (Unless we are reminiscing Young MC or Sir Mix-A-Lot... got to love those buttermilk biscuits.) I do have respect for the creatively exploitative though. Case in point, Eminem - Slim Shady's newest video We Made You. It features Bret Michaels, Kim Kardashian's butt, a Vulcan, Polar Bears and a bikini-clad Palindrone.

I find it perplexing that the rest of the U.S. is still remotely intrigued by our own Arctic Vanilla Ice. The point was that we made these caricatures of people as they are displayed in the media. Just by mentioning names it adds another blip into the subliminal pixels that keep getting dropped in the midst of things that hold slightly more importance.

What those things are of course I choose not to dwell on. I'm as infected as the next person, somehow, I want to know that the Paps flashes tripped out Madge's horse, or that Matthew likes to canoe skate with an unleashed dog. I am not proud of this, and wish I could turn it off...

Do you think there is a twelve step program?

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