Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sweet, I got dislike mail!

Way back when, I was forced to make a gmail account in order to sign up for the blog, but it isn't a primary, secondary, tertiary or octoplanary (I made that up) address, so I have rarely logged in.

I accidentally stumbled across that inbox on my home portal last evening, and to my surprise there were a few messages from months and months ago. Awesome that someone felt passionate enough about being forced to read my blather to actually write a note asking me why I bother. The answer being, obviously from my sporadic posting, I really don't bother. I could respond with a "why lame writers write even when their writing is lame" solilique, but that's been overdone as much as a forensic science series on cable.

The other flame mail was more entertaining. Apparently, I'm a male chauvanist. I didn't realize that my sarcastic/sardonic id portrayed that. That title is purely laughable if only you knew past the serifs on the screen, besides, I practice Equal Opportunity Vexation. It doesn't matter the shell, the idiotic are idiotic.


On other things of interest, the kidlings and I have been enjoying watching the construction on the new Police Station. Those were some pretty tall footings they had to pound down through the gravel. The machine made it look like they were just shoving toothpicks in the mud, but significantly louder. Passing by a few times I've caught a glimpse of the Chief at a crawl in the other direction checking out the progress. It must be so exciting for him to see something finally happening after all of the work it took to get to that point.

The new pool building is coming along nicely too, that green sealing stuff they have on it is such a perfect horrible hue - so bad it is awesome. It will get covered up eventually, but we need more obnoxious purple and... wait, we already have a purple building, I forgot.

Well, back to the grindstone, happy that I finally don't have to be out shoveling snow.

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