Monday, July 14, 2008

Might as well post something...

Realizing after I signed in to create the blog and wrote and deleted a few posts... I don't really have much to say (that would be of interest to anyone else, that is). I'm not much into politics, or sports, or a super-environmentalist-recyclist, or a rampant overachieving activist of any sort.

That stupid song "Do you have an opinion...." rattles through my brain. My answer, nope. I could talk your ear off about funny things my kids say, share mindless tidbits of random celebrity gossip. But to get down to a true opinion you have to be able to make up your mind about one thing or another... and usually I try to look at things from so many multiple angles, I get lost in my own contradictions.

So, there probably won't be anything of true interest on these pages, if I ever manage to find the time to post anything.

1 comment:


I have 200 posts and haven't said one worthwhile thing yet so don't worry. Keep goin'. And welcome.