Friday, January 16, 2009

Nope... didn't drop off the face of the earth.

Pretty darn near though. Since GCI was nice and bumped my cable package to include the 100s channels, I've been sucked into the vortex - a conductor waving my baton at seemingly infinite channel selections. I haven't exactly been able to escape.

What have I paused on lately? I've expanded my vocabulary for hypochondria by watching Mystery diagnosis and anything on Discovery Health, and also been trapped by the Green Channel, the Science Channel, another History Channel, MTV2, among a glut of reality TV garbage and guilty pleasures.

Yes, I saw part of American Idol, pretending to be under duress. Secretly I enjoy watching the delusion of American society paraded so fanatically, but don't tell anyone. I will be mocked until the cows come home, and considering we have a no livestock rule in town, that will be a very very long time.

I also caught a repeat of South Park the other day, the one about the election. I truly admire the guys who created that show for their ability to come up with some of the most absurd plotlines that have a valid political statement. Palin was awesome as the one of the henchmen of a plot to steal the Hope diamond, I loved that her accent was switched to British when she was out of public eye, plus they had her updo illustrated perfectly. They pegged McCain's likeness, but Obama's characature was a little strange, he looked like a cross between Bill Cosby and Count Chocula.

Yeah, I live an exciting life. Been a little more boring since they banned myspace, facebook, and youtube at work... I just realized I could still login in here, so maybe I'll be back sooner than later.

1 comment:

My Little Family: said...

Only 100 channel? We have over 200 to waste our valuable time. LOL

I know what you mean about reality shows being a guilty pleasure. For me they are like a car accident or house fire - you just cant help but look.